Teacher trainer Nick Manthei from Oxford gave a visit to our English Department for the purpose of Teacher Training Programme. Our English teachers had a great time by participating in workshop about Typical Reading in the Class and Co-operative Writing. Thanks Mr. Manthei for his kind cooperation. (Oxford Yayinlari Egitim Danismanimiz Nick Manthei Ogretmen Egitim Programi kapsaminda Ingilizce zumremizi ziyaret etti. Ingilizce ogretmenlerimiz, Mr. Manthei tarafindan gerceklestirilen Typical Reading in the Class and Co-operative Writing konulu calistaya katilarak verimli ve eglenceli zaman gecirdiler. Katkilarindan dolayi Mr. Manthei’ye tesekkur ederiz.
Oxford Teacher Training Programme